Insecure Goals Vs. Inspired Goals: Part 2

In part one of our exploration of Insecure Goals vs. Inspired Goals, we discovered three innocent blockers to effective goal setting and achieving:


  1. Insecure goals are created from a low state of mind
  2. Insecure goals are ultra-specific and squash creativity and possibility
  3. Insecure goals attach our value and identity to the outcome

In part two, we explore Inspired Goals and why they are truly the only way to align with your nature and more effortlessly play, compete, collaborate, and achieve in the world.


We have all had inspired goals, ideas, and aspirations. These are the ones that come from out of the blue, lift us up and shed new light on pure possibility. They feel good when they initially strike us and they feel inspired. There are three characteristics of inspired goals that we will explore:


  1. They feel inspired and clear
  2. They point in a direction and honor pure possibility
  3. From clarity, we engage with them with high intention and no attachment

Lets dive into each of these three characteristics so that you can tune into your inspiration rather than your insecurities.

Inspired goals feel inspired and clear. Sounds simple right? It is simple. Our only job is to follow the inspiration. So if it’s that simple why don’t more of us live from inspired goals? Well, we get in the way with insecurity.


Inspired goals come into our awareness with clarity and the one single step that we can take right now. But we get in the way. We take the inspired goal and run it through our insecurity. “Can I do this?” “Am I good enough?” “What if I fail?” “What will others think of me?” “Should get permission to do this?” These are just a small sample of ways that we contaminate inspiration with insecurity. Nevermind the thinking that tells us to evaluate all the steps of the goal before we begin.

Inspired goals reveal the one single next step, as we need it on the journey. Our inner wisdom system helps guide with clarity as it works from pure possibility. Evaluating our capacity and abilities based on our past and old thinking makes as much sense as using last month’s weather forecast to plan your day today. Inspired goals are updated moment to moment from pure possibility. A very simple rule to remember is that insecure goals rely on our past and fears for input. Inspired goals rely on pure possibility and the unknown. The clearest step is the nearest one. Take that step and see what shows up from there.

Finally, inspired goals allow us to engage with high intention and no attachment. What does this mean? High intention is being clear about our direction, no attachment is releasing our conditions and expectations about how it is accomplished and when. Reflect for a moment on something that you accomplished that happened in a way that you never imagined. Did you have a step-by-step plan with a rigid timeline? Did you force day-to-day actions? Most likely you had a direction you wanted to head in and your awareness allowed you to see invitations from pure possibility without your insecurity filtering it out.

As you can see, inspired goals are nothing new. As I mentioned before, there is only one-way to set goals. Sure, you can accomplish a lot setting insecure goals. People do it everyday. The difference is living from a fixed story about who you think you should or need to be think vs. pure possibility. The difference between living from inspired goals vs. insecure goals is the difference between working on a supercomputer connected to the internet vs. an old computer with a small hard drive and no connection to the internet. The former allows for pure possibility, ease, and joy while the latter may lead to doing what you have always done, getting what you have always gotten and expecting something different. This is what I call suffering.


Explore the world of pure possibility, play freely and creatively and see what is truly possible for you vs. what you think is possible. I am willing to bet the difference is mind blowing.

About the Author

Scott Kelly

Scott is a Park City, Utah-based transformational health and personal performance coach who works with corporations, executives, professional athletes, couples, and individuals. He specializes in developing freer lives from the inside, out -- through workshops, retreats or at a one-on-one level.

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